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In this fast-paced and ever-evolving digital age, our reliance on technology knows no bounds. As a result, software engineers are under immense pressure to generate efficient codes with short timeframes, which can cause coding output to be rushed and prone to errors. Fortunately, artificial intelligence (AI) and code completion are helping to revolutionize the coding process and boost coding efficiency.

What is Code Completion?
Code completion is a well-known coding technique that assists software engineers in developing code more rapidly and efficiently. It works by using the language’s syntax and providing auto-complete options to the user. This feature can save significant amounts of time for engineers, as they don’t need to manually write extensive strings of code.

How Does AI Impact Code Completion?
AI has significantly boosted code completion efficiency. In the past, developers had to manually find code snippets from other projects or search online for references in order to speed up the coding process. However, with AI-assisted code completion, developers can easily find project-specific code snippets that suit their needs. AI is also helping to reduce the number of errors that can occur when manually coding, as code completion provides developers with suggestions that are tailored to their project.
Benefits of AI-Powered Code Completion
There are numerous benefits to using AI-powered code completion. Firstly, developers no longer need to manually sift through sources in order to find snippets that fit their code. AI-powered code completion allows developers to quickly find relevant code snippets without wasting time on online searches. Additionally, AI-backed code completion can recognize when code is prone to errors, and suggest alternative snippets that can help to limit potential flaws in the code. AI-based code completion can also save time by providing the right command names, parameters, and data types when filling out code.

AI-Powered Code Completion Tools
There are many AI-backed code completion tools that developers can take advantage of.
1. IntelliSense
IntelliSense is a widely used code completion tool that is integrated into Visual Studio (VS), one of the most popular Integrated Development Environments (IDEs). It uses machine learning to recognize thousands of commands and functions, providing developers with the most up-to-date and accurate records when it comes to coding. IntelliSense can also detect semantics, allowing it to accurately suggest completions from millions of symbols.

2. Kite
Kite is an open-source AI-powered code completion tool which uses machine learning and natural language processing to search for relevant code snippets from millions of projects. Kite also features automated refactoring and advanced auto-completion, which helps to improve the overall coding process.
3. Fleksy
Fleksy is an intuitive AI-powered code completion tool used by developers that leverages natural language processing. It provides contextual auto-corrections and suggestions to speed up the coding process, and can detect errors before they are applied. Fleksy also leverages code style-validator which helps developers to find and correct glitches in their code without wasting time.

4. Google API
Google API is a powerful tool for writing code more efficiently. It offers comprehensive APIs and libraries to help developers quickly find code snippets and reduce coding errors.Google API also provides detailed and up-to-date documentation to ensure that code is accurate.
Coding can be a time-consuming and daunting task. However, with AI-powered code completion, developers can quickly generate efficient codes, without worrying about the time-consuming processes involved. AI-assisted code completion tools can provide accurate code snippets, detect errors before they are applied, and ensure the code is in line with current standards. With AI-powered code completion, developers are on the path to revolutionizing the coding process and improving coding efficiency.